2024 Is Out the Door!

Another year older, another year wiser. At least that’s how we prefer to view the passage of time; we end everyday knowing something we didn’t know the day before.

We covered a lot on our blog this year, perhaps you missed one or two, or perhaps one of the subjects we covered wasn’t relevant to your needs as a property owner when we first wrote about it, but it’s relevant now. So come along with us on a rather short walk down memory lane.

Flood Prevention

This will only become more relevant in our region as time goes on due to changes in our climate. Flood prevention might be one of the most important investments you can make as a commercial property owner. Detention basins and inlets require regular cleaning and maintenance. Leaving these unchecked could spell disaster for your property.

Sometimes referred to as a drain inlet, drop inlet, curb inlet, and catch basin—Inlets are specially designed drains that collect rainwater. While typical street gutters collect some of the rainwater, inlets are the second line of defense in flood prevention.


A diagram of an inlet. 2024 Is Out the Door!

Image courtesy of: slcs.us


A detention basin is a manmade pond, built to manage flooding and storm runoff water. You may have also heard the term retention basin. Retention basins are the same as detention basins, only they are built to retain the water, creating a more permanent pond. Detention basins have an outlet that allows for quicker redistribution of the water.


Both detention and retention basins assist in flood prevention, keeping your property both safer and drier. Investing in a basin can improve the overall quality of a property and prevent costly repairs.


Flood Prevention: A photo of our team clearing a retention basin.


Parking Lot Striping

Parking lot striping plays a huge role in the safety of your property. If people can’t see where to park, they’re going to park wherever they please. That means they will also be pulling out wherever they please and this is when things can get really dangerous. Don’t fall victim to such an easily avoidable problem. It’s always a good time to get your parking lot looking it’s best. Just call Dare!


parking lot cleaning king of prussia pa


It’s absolutely essential that all your fire lanes and no parking zones are clearly labeled and easy to spot. These spots can also be the easiest to overlook as they’re spots you typically would never occupy. Make sure to get out this and check all these easy to forget but nonetheless important spots.


Stump Removal

Tree stumps are very popular homes for termites, carpenter ants, and wood bees. These insects can very easily outgrow the stump and make their way to your building. Also, if the stump is near a walking path, you do not want customers and clients to pass an insect infested stump every time they visit your property.


A photo of a mossy tree stump in a wooded area.

Photo courtesy of Nedim.


Not all stumps stay stumps. It’s possible for a tree stump to begin to sprout and start growing into another tree. Stump grinding ensures that no unwanted trees will begin to grow in that area again, unless you specifically decide to plant one in the future. So, call Dare for all your stump removal needs.


And Our Old Friend…Potholes!

We know we cover this topic ad nauseum here, but keeping away potholes is truly a Sisyphean task! When it’s cold, the water freezes and expands, creating a cavity between the pavement and the soil.

Eventually, the water melts and the pavement becomes compromised due to the now hollow cavity. When vehicles drive over this compromised section of pavement, the pavement cracks and crumbles, and a pothole is formed.


A before-and-after of a pothole we patched up. Pothole season can be horrifying!


Potholes can be a real liability to your property. Potholes can easily cause flat tires and flat tires can lead to accidents. If either one happens on your property, you could be held liable.

That’s right, if someone gets a flat tire from a pothole on your property, and it can be proven that you, the owner, were aware of the pothole, you can be sued for the cost of damages.


Let’s Continue to Strive in 2025!

Let’s take the wisdom we gained in 2024 into the new year with enthusiasm and excitement. There’s always more to do, and there’s always new things to learn. If you’re eager to get started, click below and talk to us today!

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