Parking Lot Striping

Summertime is a great time to reassess your parking lot striping.

Not only do the long sunny days take a toll on your parking lot,

but they also provide the perfect chance to touch  up those fading lines. So, let’s dig into

everything you need to know about parking lot striping and why now is the best time to act.


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Keep Your Striping Clear

We’ve all experienced that awkward moment when you pull into

a parking lot and cannot tell where exactly you’re supposed to pull in.

Faded lines can cause havoc for parking lots, especially smaller ones where every inch counts.


power sweeping camden nj (parking lot striping)


Call Dare to come out and conduct one of our Dare Reports to assess everything

your parking lot needs to look its best.  Not only can fading lines confuse your visitors,

but it can also be a danger to handicap drivers who cannot  find their designated spots.

Even worse, faded paint might lead to an individual accidentally taking up

a handicap parking space. Call Dare and keep your striping clear!


Fire Lanes and No Parking Striping

It’s absolutely essential that all your fire lanes and

no parking zones are clearly labeled and

easy to spot. These spots can also be the easiest

to overlook as they’re spots you typically would never occupy.

Make sure to get out this summer and check all these

easy to forget but nonetheless important spots.


A wall painted to read, "No parking" slightly obscured by a bush. (Parking Lot Striping)

Image courtesy of Jose Hernandez-Uribe.


Safety Striping

Last but not least, safety. Parking lot striping plays a huge role in the safety of your property.

If people can’t see where to park, they’re going to park wherever they please.

That means they will also be pulling out wherever they please and this is when things

can get really dangerous. Don’t fall victim to such an easily avoidable problem.

The long summer days are perfect for getting your parking lot looking it’s best. Just call Dare!


Ready to Get Started?

Our team of experts are ready to help you get your property looking its very best.

Just click the link below and get your quote today!

Get My Quote!


Featured image courtesy of David Pisnoy.