Summer Sweeping

Summer is here! Memorial Day is already behind us, and before us lies endless afternoons, cookouts, and more.

But summer isn’t all fun and games. Changes in the weather mean changes to your property and what it requires to

look its best. In this blog we’ll learn why your power sweeping can’t afford to take a summer vacation.

Summer Safety

Power sweeping helps keep pedestrians and vehicles safe by removing gravel, sand, dirt, oil, and trash.

While ubiquitous, these materials can also be hazardous depending on where they’re found and how they’re encountered.

When vehicles run over these substances they act like an abrasive and cause damage to the parking lot’s surface.

Pedestrians walking at night might not see an oil slick or piece of litter and could easily trip.

Regularly power sweeping removes this harmful debris, keeping your

property both safe and aesthetically pleasing for visitors.


A photo of an empty parking lot in the summer.

Image courtesy of Chris Mok.


Summer Flooding

We’re all familiar with that surprise summer cloud burst. Sudden summer storms can cause real harm to

your property if you’re not up on your sweeping. Without regular power sweeping, certain debris will be washed away by

the rain and clog storm drains. Not only does this contribute to the pollution of our streams, lakes,

and bays but it creates the perfect conditions to promote backups and flooding.


A photo of a bright but raining sky with a building and a tree. It looks like a summer rain!

Image courtesy of Margaret Polinder.


Prevent Summer Pollution

It’s as simple as this: Waste is harmful. Litter, dirty water, animal droppings—

All of this has the potential to harm both ourselves and our environment.

Polluted water drains into our streams and lakes, causing a danger to their ecosystems.

Without regular power sweeping, litter such as bits of metal, bits of glass, and cigarette butts

can easily end up in our water systems if left unchecked. Even seemingly harmless

debris such as grass clipping, hedge trimmings, and leaves (known as green waste) can cause big issues.


An image of a person's hand in an algal bloom.

Image courtesy of


An algal bloom (as you can see in the photo above) is when too much nitrogen and phosphorus enter a water system

and causes algal to bloom so rapidly that our ecosystems cannot cope.

Green waste contains high levels of both nitrogen and phosphorus and

if left unchecked will lead to harmful algal blooms.


Let’s Get to Work!

Refusing to invest in power sweeping is not only detrimental to our environment,

it’s detrimental to our personal wellbeing. Without power sweeping, debris will build up and deteriorate road and

parking lot surfaces as well as cause damage to the vehicles driving on them.

Without power sweeping, harmful debris will be washed into our

water systems, promoting flooding and polluting out lakes and streams.

A photo of one of our power sweepers.

Dare has 40 years of experience and will make sure you get the best service and

the best results. Never settle for “good enough,”

call Dare today and get your property looking its absolute best.

Click the link below and get your quote today!

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