Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean you should go into hibernation. It’s time to get up and get to work on that property. In this blog we’ll learn about all the things you can do to keep your property at its best over the ensuing months. Dare is ready to help you win over winter!
Wintertime is kind of like the springtime of potholes–it’s when they all suddenly blossom forth. When rain that seeps through the pavement freezes in the winter, the asphalt expands and weakens, eventually cracking under the constant pressure of passing cars. Thus a brand-new pothole is born!
Typically, cracks and potholes should be repaired in late summer and early autumn in preparation for winter, as sealcoating and crack sealing need to be done in warmer weather. But given our region’s incredibly mild winter so far, you may find some days are warm enough to get the job done.
In order to set properly, sealcoating must only be done when the temperature has been above 50 degrees for at least 24 hours and when there is no rain predicted for the following 24 hours. So, keep an eye on that forecast and keep Dare in mind.
Believe it or not, there’s still plenty to do landscaping-wise in the wintertime. Now is the perfect chance to trim and shape parking lot trees. Doing so will allow for visitors of your property to better see important signs. It will also ensure that passersby can easily see your store.
It’s a great time to remove any overgrown trees and shrubs you may have on your property. Not only can they look untidy, but they could also be a potential hazard if blocking any paths or are growing into electrical wires. In addition to this, winter is a great chance to re-design any landscape beds you might want to change.
Make sure your gutters and any drainage systems you have, including inlets, are not clogged or cluttered. If you wait too late to have these areas cleaned, snow and rain can build up and result in flooding. If these areas contain waste and litter, flooding may result in debris washing up in other areas of your property, creating a new mess to clean up.
And don’t forget to make sure everything is securely connected. It’s important to remember all the little things that can turn into big problems when temperatures hit freezing. Check out the photo below:
This seemingly innocuous drainpipe can lead to dangerous ice buildup since it is not properly connected. Our team is happy to come out to your property and survey your drainage systems to make sure everything is ready for the cold weather.
In an earlier blog we discuss winter sweeping and why it’s so important. Precipitation tends to pick up come wintertime, meaning more potential for clogged drainage systems and flooding.
Another issue is salt. While the salt we put down to stave off ice is helpful at first, it quickly becomes a nuisance. Salt left to build up can be damaging to your pavement, vehicles, and even to the surrounding environment. Consistent power sweeping is the best way to manage this necessary but problematic aspect of winter.
This winter has already proven to be unpredictable. Prepare for the worst now, so you’re not in trouble later. Our team of experts are ready to do everything it takes to help you win over winter! Click the link below to get your quote today.
Featured image courtesy of Aaron Burden.