February 1, 2024
A photograph of a heart drawn in the condensation of a raining window with the text: Show Your Property Some Love!

Show Your Property Some Love

Show Your Property Some Love It’s February, and that means Valentine’s Day! Chocolate and cards might not be what your property needs, but there are plenty […]
October 28, 2021
A photograph of debris with the text: Bulk and Large Debris Removal Services

Debris Removal

Bulk and Large Debris Removal Services Did you know that in addition to providing power sweeping and landscaping to the Delaware Valley, Dare also offers debris […]
July 1, 2021
A photo of litter, with the text: Why do people litter? We go through the science and psychology of littering, and show you how to keep your property litter-free.


Why Do People Litter?          We all know what litter is, trash improperly disposed of in public areas. We’ve all witnessed littering, stepped over discarded coffee […]